Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What I've Made and Where I've Been

Why hello there Blogosphere,

It has been a bit since I've talked to you. I have been a busy girl!

Over the past week I have been all over the map. I saw TWO new movies- Dispicable Me 2, which was ok, and The Loan Ranger, which I thought was really good-  I am now obsessed with the "William Tell Overture". I made curry with sweet potatoes, spinach and peas in replication of a delicious dish my friend Amanda made for me when I visited her and Kate at Smith (It was not nearly as tasty as hers, but considering I still can't make grilled cheese, I'm definitely getting there.)  I went to the beach with my friend Melissa, got asked out by a guy in a bar, and had drinks with some friends at Venetian Shores (a local beach bar with live music). Today I even went to the city, where I spent the morning writing in Bryant Park, snooping around the library (the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights exhibit was gone :-[  ), walking to Chelsea Market to get tea and spices, meeting Emily on her break and meeting up with my friend Brad and his friend Conor, my writing partners.

"Writing partners for what?" you may ask. For our book, of course! Together the three of us are writing a fantasy book-- Mages, warfare, a king and all of that. It has been a really fun process so far-- we (mostly them, I joined in late) have been spending weeks setting the background for the world our story will take place in. Geography, currencies, histories, lineages, magic systems-- the list goes on and on. I love writing, and this creative outlet has been a really good way for me to focus my attentions.

Being creative in general has really been helping me this summer. The awful month of May found me in a dark place... a very dark place. With the help of friends and family who have endless compassion and the patience of saints, I've gotten out of my funk. One of the ways I was able to help myself, though, (which sometimes is not so easy) was by channeling my energy into  making things. For instance, I've started this blog. I built a tray out of wood, picked up embroidery, and even started cooking a little. Now, along with Brad and Conor, I am writing a book. Though I am still working through all my feels, I can say with complete certainty that the experience of making things has been healing my spirit and my heart.

I think that this summer has taught me that the human spirit can regenerate after being shot down. When we are broken we can build ourselves back up again.

In closing I have also downloaded pic stitch. Below are photos of what I've made and where I've been.

Cheers, Blog!

1 comment:

  1. I think we're gonna need teasers of this book on here...especially if I'm to work up the courage to post some of my own writing ;)By the way, your closing statement about building ourselves back up? Beautifully put - I love that. It's great to hear about and see all the productive things you've been up to, it's inspiring. Must feel really good to have so much to show for your efforts.
