Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day One

I like to start with definitions.


Now woah, woah, woah Google. Pump the breaks. This is an awful way to define something. Using a quote (which by the way, who came down to THIS very quote to be Google's "go to" response to "define empowerment") that refers to a "we," who is definitely not you (the Google people) and is probably not even the Wiki people you refer to. I digress. Point being, wtf Google? I'm asking Webster.


So both the third numbered definition and the first example are about women. Not sure I want to open that can of worms tonight. 

I'm going to focus on that third definition.

Anyway, Katie, what the hell are you going on about? Point is I am going to do 100 days of self-empowerment. I know that there are layers to empowerment since power is given from many places outside of ourselves, and that distribution is unbalanced in a lot of ways. But this is about me. So short and long of it is:

Today I feel empowered because I awkwardly raised my hand in class for a long time even though I wasn't getting called on. I had something good to say so I kept my hand up even though I was feeling awkward and didn't get called on. (This wasn't in the middle of a lecture, it was during a discussion-- so I wasn't being TOO crazy, though more zealous than normal.)Anyway I guess the awkwardness comes from trying to get attention and being publicly overlooked. Kinda the same as if you are rejected infront of a crowd of people. But for me, I am not feeling awkward about it because I had something good to say, damn it, and I had my hand raised. 

So there is day 1. 



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