I consider myself a risk taker. For me making decisions is not really a huge problem because I'm the type to worry about whatever is happening while its happening, not before. I like taking risk with out regard to forethought within reason.
An example of this is when I decided to date K about two years ago. It was a risk because I knew the relationship would become difficult, if not impossible. Another reason is because it was a relationship with another woman. And finally, lets face it, it was risky because all relationships are-- especially ones where you trust yourself to someone completely.
This risk led to some of my greatest and most of my worst experiences, but that is a novel on its own. The point I am trying to make is about taking chances. That risk made me feel and think things that I never would have otherwise.
I think that existence is telling in its most natural form. If we pay attention to our raw emotions and our immediate and un-rationalized reactions to experiences, we are exposing ourselves to the essence of what human nature actually is. When we feel really sad or overwhelmingly overjoyed, we are holding on to a moment that could be paralleled in the hearts of George Washington, Edgar Allen Poe and Cleopatra alike.
So IN CONCLUSION, taking risks renders you to fate. The experience encapsulates you, independent of planning and reason. The initial experiences of doing new and unforeseeable things allow emotions and thoughts that would otherwise be on lockdown. Once you know them you become more enlightened to what it is to be human.
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