Today my mom and I spent the entire day shopping in preparation for my move to Brooklyn on Monday. It was such a mirror experience to the summer of 2008 when I was getting ready to move in to Smith! Bed risers, hampers, trendy color schemes-- I am back in the college room game.
This year I am basing my room around a beautiful tapestry that I picked up at Faces in Northampton, and I think its going to look really good. The room should be relatively smallish I guess, so I didn't want to over do the shopping (neither did my wallet), but I think I made out pretty well!
In the end, though, I have been super nostalgic for my early days as a Smithie. I am sure there will be many posts about this to come, but today I am focused on space!!
To celebrate the big move I have pulled up some pictures of a few (but not all) of the rooms I've made my home over the past five years....
Here are some pictures of the room Mary and I lived in at Washburn during our first year!!!
In the above picture you can see the beautiful window shams Mary's mom made us. Our room was tiny but full of fun and singing (typically Moulin Rouge). I think that foot may be identified as one Carina Ahuja-- tell me if I'm wrong!! And that lady in the middle is my Mom!!
I'm not sure if everyone knows about the old houses used for Smith dorms, but their roofs from the early 1900s tend to have some leaking... It got so bad in our room that it ended up ruining Mary's computer! I forget how that all worked itself out, but it was ok in the end.
Anyway, they fixed the roof and not the ceiling so there was ceiling falling on Mary's desk all of the time. She put up this bag to keep her stuff safe. I ended up stopping the house workman Al outside, telling him to come with me, and showing him in person. It was fixed the next day- he was a nice guy.
The following room was my home in Lisbon, Portugal. This is by far the most beautiful place I've ever lived, and I think it will be pretty hard to beat. Right next door was a beautiful perfect park with cafes and music and old men playing cards; I had a view of the river; there were shades that made the room pitch black--- this room was fantastic. Plus when I was there, I had a dog.
The final room I'd like to show you is perhaps the most near and dear to my heart. It is the room I lived in sophomore year- 304. This room seriously has some of my favorite memories in it, and everything about it makes me feel warm. I think of pixar, and nail polish, and laughing.
These first two pictures are of my side of the room. One day Mary and I laid on my bed looking out the window for way too long just people--- and squirrel--- watching. I swear we spent more time looking out this window than I spent studying..... No shock there?
Below is a picture of Mary's side of the room. She had a quilt made of different fabrics from her past... I was so lucky to have such a good room mate. Also those flowy curtains were really hard to make look nice.
So that is that. My heart, my homes. Soon I will be nesting anew. I am so looking forward to my new home and my new adventure, but I can only hope it will turn out as wonderful as these ones have.
304 will always be my favorite room. So many amazing memories with amazing people in such an amazing place. That year was pretty much the highlight of my entire Smith experience, and so much of it took place in that room. Now I'M nostalgic.